
A more sedate walk today as we strolled around the fields surrounding Cliddesden. Everyone had a busy weekend, so definitely no hills today.

Starting by the pond, we walked up the lane and found the footpath just before the church, which could be glimpsed through the hedge.

A fairly narrow path opened up as we skirted the field. Turning right at the end we found an even narrower path, which was quite overgrown in places so there was a bit of careful picking our way past the brambles. Next time we’ll come armed with sacateurs or a machete.

We eventually emerged by the railway cottages before picking up the footpath again.

Once out on the lane we had a quick look for the disused railway line. We’d presumably walked along or close to some of it, but there was no way through to go any further, although I think it’s accessible further along (a bit too far for us though, especially today)

Walking back along the lane we made our way to the school and contemplated a track leading to the community centre. There was no footpath sign, so we decided to follow the lane back to the village. We did see a Permissive Footpath sign by the village hall, so next time we’ll be braver.

Back past the church to the car.

Lunch today was at a local pub for a change.

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