
With a forecast for rain and 45 mph winds today we were back to proper walking boots and waterproof jackets as we headed to Tunworth. Home of Tunworth Cheese, although it’s made up the road in Herriard.

We were on byways today and although we didn’t see any horses, there was plenty of poo to negotiate.

Setting off along the track we passed behind the churchyard, sneaking a peek of the church through the trees.

We carried on through the trees before we emerged into a field of corn (or was it maize?)

Back into the trees and up a short hill, we carried on along the narrowing track. It was single file now until we reached the lane, although we spotted a few holes in the base of the hedgerow which looked like the entrances to badger sets.

Out onto a quiet lane, we made our way back towards the village, checking out a couple of footpaths (maybe options for another day) and a field of cows on our way. The field had a large ‘do not feed the animals ‘ sign. Not sure who would be feeding the cows, but hey ho.

Stopping to point out where I’d fallen off my bike a few years ago (well toppled off into the grass verge because I was in the wrong gear trying to cycle up the hill), we followed the lane past some interestingly named, very old looking cottages (The Cottage Next to the Old Post Office being one). At a narrow part of the lane we heard a car just before it came tearing down the road. A stamp on the breaks and a little wave as he passed us. Two minutes later he drove past again, a lot slower this time, and with his window open he said he’d get us next time. He was joking, but we didn’t see him again. It’s only a tiny village, but we didn’t see a soul anywhere.

A short diversion to the church, which was next to the very big house, before making our way back to the car.

2.7 miles today and a lovely lunch, with cake, at Andwell Brewery, which we eventually got to after missing the turning the first time round. And the rain held off 😃

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