Cliddesden to Farleigh Wallop

Today we took advantage of the half term holiday and parked by the school in Cliddesden so we could follow the path to Farleigh Wallop. The school has a beautiful outlook over the countryside.

The path was a lovely little track, enclosed by trees and hedgerow.

Luckily, although we were going up hill, it wasn’t as steep as I expected, certainly compared to the nearby road.

We came to a gap in the hedge which gave a glimpse of the town spreading out in the distance.

There was a definite autumn feel in the air and we weren’t disappointed by selection of fungi we found today.

At the top of the track we turned right, before spotting the village church through the trees.

We had a short stroll around the churchyard (a few Lords, Ladies and Viscounts buried there), but couldn’t get into the church unfortunately.

We turned back and followed another path down the hill, hoping the track at the bottom would lead us back to the school (if not it would be a long diversion along the lanes). Luckily it did, even though it wasn’t an official footpath on the map, so we decided to plead ignorance if challenged by a farmer.

The path down was definitely steeper than the track going up, so probably just as well we went the way we did. I was still slightly out of breath heading back to the school.

A very pleasant walk and very peaceful, especially considering we could see the motorway traffic not too far away.

Churches, graveyards and, hopefully, fungi will hopefully be the focus of future walks. I already have one or two in mind.

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