
It was a grey, dull day when we set off for our walk around Dummer, although at least it wasn’t raining, yet.

We found somewhere to park close to the church and set off on the footpath, which is part of the Wayfarer’s Walk.

Passing a little pony in a field, the path rose before us. It was a concrete track, so all very civilised, certainly compared to the footpaths we normally encounter.

Taking in the lovely views across the fields, we spotted a very nice looking house in the distance.

Before too long we ran out of the concrete track and turned onto a bit more familiar type of path, oh well it was nice while it lasted. On the plus side, there was fungi. I love a bit of fungi.

Following the path through the trees we came out back on the lane. We crossed over and found the next bit of footpath between a couple of houses.

We continued across the middle of a field, hearing the noise from the nearby motorway quite clearly. Continuing around the field we had a choice. To the left the path led to a stile, but as it had now started drizzling we decided to skip the stile and follow the path back to the lane.

Turning left , then right, we continued past a field with a couple of ponies (they looked over but weren’t prepared to cross their muddy field to say hello) and were faced with three stiles. Oh well let’s just get it over with. Several minutes later we had all made it over, probably a bit muckier than we’d started, but in one piece.

A final push down the lane and we were back at the church. The Domesday Survey of 1086 records the existence of a Church at Dummer. The oldest, visible part of the present building is the south doorway of the nave which dates from the 12th Century. It is now a round-headed window, close to the font. It was quite a simple looking church with a very impressive wooden door. We did try, but couldn’t get in to have a look inside.

Another enjoyable, if slightly damp, walk.

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